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With limited and scattered data, understanding the operator landscape has become a challenge. With more complex and emerging segments, the industry is in need of a solution.  IFMA has created the industry’s first and only one-stop, dynamic online tool that members can use to understand segment opportunities, define business strategies, identify target segments, and make informed go-to-market decisions.

The new operator landscape model forecasts current and emerging foodservice segments, with information that includes:

  • Size of segment
  • Growth rates
  • Traffic behavior
  • Purchase sources
  • Market-level data
  • Segment specific insights

When logged-in, IFMA members can easily customize and download the new Operator Landscape and access detailed information in more than 200 Designated Market Areas. Within each Market, Datassential Snap and Firefly subscribers can dive deeper into top chain, on-site operator, and consumer information.